
Prabowo dan Sandiaga Menyiapkan Konten Kampanye Untuk Meraih Suara Generasi Milenial di Pilpres 2019 Mendatang

Lensa Fakta . Pesta demokrasi pemilihan presiden 2019 mendatang, masing-masing calon capres-cawapres mulai untuk mempersiapkan diri. Hal ini termasuk untuk memaksimal suara dari berbagai kalangan. Tak dipungkiri lagi bahwa suara generasi milenial tak bisa dilihat sebelah mata. Maka dari itu pasangan Prabowo-Sandiaga Uno pun mulai mempersiapkannya. Cawapres Prabowo yaitu Sandiaga Uno menilai sosok calon presiden Prabowo Subianto saat ini telah menjadi sosok yang asyik sekarang. Maka dari itu Sandiaga yakin akan bisa meraup suara generasi milenial dalam Pilpres 2019 mendatang. “Pak Prabowo itu orangnya asyik, the new Prabowo sekarang orangnya sangat open dan cair,” ucap Sandiaga di depan Masjid At-Taqwa, Jakarta, Kamis, (22/8/2018). Sandiaga menilai bahwa sikap Prabowo tersebut tidak lepas dari pengalamannya di dunia politik. Mantan Danjen Kopassus itu dinilainya telah banyak mengalami dinamika perkembangan dalam bidang politik bangsa. Lanjutnya ia mengatakan...


Lensa Fakta .“Just relax, take it easy, I will be the president when citizens are looking for me…” I will never forget that sentence. The sentence was pronounced several times while patting my shoulder to calm me down because I mourned for the defeat in presidential election in 2014. Prabowo asked me to be patient for the sake of nation safety because it is more than everything else. It was the mid of October 2014, but I still didn’t understand at that time. I was so totally hurt and disappointed. It was not because of the surprising result of the final counting that I considered weird, but for the news I got that Prabowo had given military comity to Jokowi when he came to Kertanegara Residence. I thought it wasn’t the right time to do such a thing. The days passing bye, it was an occasion, I could say a bit exaggerated, so called “digital spiritual experience”, an experience in the digital world that made me realize that Prabowo is right to do such a thing. ...


Lensa Fakta . Prabowo Subianto is a serious contender in the next general election held in 17 April 2019. Only do some people realize that Prabowo has such a wide and deep concepts how to create a prosper country for Indonesia. The concept from Prabowo is known as Prabowonomics. What is Prabowonomics actually? According to Prabowo that there are three fundamental aspects needed to be implemented in order to create prosperity in Indonesia; Firstly; we need to attain national consciousness that agriculture will determine the prosperity the whole nation. The majority of laboring activities in Indonesia concentrates in agricultural sectors.  Unfortunately, the benefits of agricultural sectors are only enjoyed by small amount of landowners and big capitalists. The policy applied by government is not the side of yeoman. As the result the disparity of income between yeoman and landowners is very huge. At the end, the productivity per hectare in agricultural sectors g...

Pencak Silat dan Mempunyai Rasa Nasionalisme, Ini Baru Calon Pemimpin Negara!

Lensa Fakta . Sejarah dan Rekor Dunia mungkin tercipta dalam Asian Games 2018, khususnya dalam bidang olahraga Pencak Silat, yang dimana dalam sehari Tim Indonesia berhasil mendapatkan seluruh medali Emas pada 8 liga Final dan menjadi cabang penyumbang emas terbanyak bagi kontingen Indonesia. Sebagai bidang olahraga Pencak silat, baru pertama kali ini Pencak Silat diperlombakan dalam ajang terbesar se asia ini, tentunya capaian ini diluar ekspektasi dari pengurus apalagi oleh panitia dan pemerintah. Ajang ini sangatlah spektakuler karena mungkin hanya dalam ungkapan yang bisa kita ucapkan kepada para Atlet yang telah mengharumkan nama bangsa dan rakyat Indonesia. Dibalik kesuksesan tersebut seorang atlet selalu ada pribadi yang berjasa memberikan dukungan baik teknis maupun non teknis. Prabowo Subianto adalah sosok yang dianggap sangat berjasa dalam mengembangkan dan memajukan olahraga seni bela diri Pencak Silat di kancah International mengapa bisa dibilang be...


WartaHub . “Prabowo inherits all his warrior spirits directly from his ancestors. He is the son of Sumitro Djojohadikusumo. He is the grandson of Margono Djojohadikusumo. They are well known figures in Indonesia. As we know that Sumitro Djojohadikusumo, Prabowo’s father, is the prominent figure in economic development. He is first son of 3 siblings. Sumitro Djojohadikusumo has two little brothers. They are Subianto Djojohadikusumo and Sujono Djojohadikusumo”. Sugiono knows exactly about the family of Djojohadikusumo since he was the private assistance of Prabowo himself. Subianto and Sujono were died as heroes during the Lengkong incident in 1946. The incident was started with the disarmament by Japanese army right after the proclamation of Indonesia. Suddenly the rifles that handed to Japanese army were taken back because they heard the gunshot without knowing the source the gunshot and it was considered as threaten by Japanese army. Shootout can’t be avoided...


WartaHub . “I deeply admire Salahuddin Al-Ayyubi for his role as a firm war lord. He won several battle fields “said Prabowo in a discussion with DIGDAYA TV through Facebook channel. The discussion topic is LEADERSHIP. “One of the tough opponents of Salahuddin Al-Ayyubi is the King of England Richard I and he is well-known as Richard the Lion Heart. They had encountered many times in the battle fields. In one battle, King Richard 1 and his troop were besieged by the troop of Salahuddin Al-Ayyubi, and King Richard I fell from his horse because he was exhausted severely.  Prabowo tells this story like a professional story teller. Seeing the situation of his enemy, Salahuddin Al-Ayyubi postponed his attack and asked his troops to pull back even he sent a horse to him. The reason for his action is that he assumed King Richard I is a very strong war lord, he doesn’t deserve to die while he wasn’t riding his horse. “Explained Prabowo, while he imitated Salahuddin’s ...


WartaHub . “Human civilization is the sum of struggling civilization in which the weaker is always conquered by the strong.  It is no hope for the weak nations in order to be ahead of future because they are losing it. Prabowo proposed this statement is a discussion titling LEADERSHIP through DIGDAYA TV in Facebook channel. This deep thinking comes from Thucydides’ maxim studied in every military school around the world: “The strong will do what they can do; the weak suffer what they must do”. It means that the strong nations will do what they can do to achieve everything else; meanwhile the weak nations will suffers to what they can’t do. “Governing a state is like governing a family. It is impossible for a family to survive if it counts on debt. Moreover, it will be used for consumptive goods and services. So does a country, it can’t survive if it counts on debt. Prabowo explains thoughtfully. “For that reason Indonesia must be a strong nation particularly...

Inilah 3 Aksi Tidak Terduga Prabowo Di Tengah Kerumunan Massa

Wartahub . Prabowo Subianto, bakal Calon Presiden 2019 dikenal tegas dan serius. Di setiap kesempatan mantan Danjen Kopassus itu jarang terlihat berguyon atau melakukan hal unik. Meski begitu, Prabowo pernah melakukan aksi-aksi tidak terduga dan membuat publik terperangah. Apalagi aksi ini di tengah-tengah kerumunan massa yang pastinya menimbulkan kehebohan. Berikut aksinya: 1. Telanjang dada Aksi telanjang dada Prabowo Subianto menjadi viral di media sosial. Waktu itu Prabowo dideklarasikan sebagai calon Presiden 2019 di Rapat Koordinasi Nasional (Rakornas) Partai Gerindra. Usai menerima mandat Prabowo telanjang dada di hadapan para peserta Rakornas. Sontak saja aksi ini disambut riuh dan Prabowo pun dipanggul oleh kader Gerindra yang sebagian juga bertelanjang dada. “Itu biasa. Jadi kan begini, Beliau orang yang lama dalam tradisi militer. Dalam tradisi militer seorang komandan itu untuk menunjukkan soliditas kepada anak buah biasanya dipan...

Delapan Medali Emas Pencak Silat Berhasil Disapu Bersih Dibawah Komando Prabowo Subianto

Pojok Utama . Keberhasilan kontingen pencak silat Indonesia menyapu bersih delapan medali emas Asian Games 2018 dinilai sebagai hasil pembinaan yang baik yang dilakukan pengurus besar Ikatan Pencak Silat Indonesia atau PB IPSI. Hal ini disampaikan pimpinan komisi DPR RI yang membidangi olahraga Sutan Adil Hendra (SAH) yang menurutnya bahwa kepemimpinan bapak Prabowo Subianto sebagai Ketua PB IPSI telah berhasil meletakan dasar – dasar pembinaan atlet pencak silat untuk lebih berprestasi. ” Saya pikir delapan medali emas Asian games yang kita raih hari buah dari proses pembinaan yang panjang dan berjenjang yang dilakukan PB IPSI dibawah pimpinan bapak Prabowo Subianto selaku ketua umum dan bapak Edhy Prabowo sebagai ketua harian, jelasnya dalam keterangan kepada Karena menurutnya totalitas bapak Prabowo dalam memimpin organisasi pencak silat ini terlihat dari keikhlasan beliau mengeluarkan waktu, pikiran, tenaga maupun biaya untuk membawa pencak sil...


Pojok Utama . Prabowo Subianto has pointed out that Indonesians are frequently underestimated by other nations and we turn to be an inferior nation.  This topic becomes the hot issue in a discussion through Facebook channel in DIGDAYA TV.  This statement comes from his real experience when he had the chance to have formal education in United Kingdom, Singapore and Hong Kong. The word “inferior’ shows that how other nations have underestimated us a nation and I consider it as a humiliation. This unpleased experience has turned the young Prabowo to be more perseverant, discipline, and hard working person and he has strong mission; if one day he becomes the main leader of Indonesia he will turn his nation to stand equally with other nations.  Prabowo remembers vividly his past experience. This also is the main reason why he enrolled in AKABRI rather than choosing George Washington University with letter of acceptance in hand already. He got it be...